Gothic Style

Gothic Style

Monday, December 7, 2009

Interesting Facts

Gothic architecture included many other things except pointed ceilings and vaulted walls. Gargoyles played a huge part in the forming of castles and churches used in this style. They called these statues and art pieces gargoyles because they mean "throat", traditional gargoyles are used as water spouts. The castles used them to drain water out from the bases of the foundations so they wouldn't ruin as easy. There are also no two gargoyles that are the same. A church called the Notre Dame is a very famous gothic church. This church is famous because the Disney movie "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame" was based off of this structure when it was created.


Arnold, Walter S. "Gargoyes and Grotesques." Gargyles and Grotesques. 2009. Web. 7 Dec. 2009.

"Gothic Arhitecture." Gothic Architecture. Athena Publications, Inc, 2006. Web. 7 Dec.

"Gothic Architecture." Gothic Arcitecture. Castles. Web. 7 Dec. 2009.

Howe, Jeffrey. "Medieval Architecture: Gothic Architecture." Boston College. Web. 09 Dec. 2009.

McGraw-Hill, and Glenco. Glenco World History. New York: Glenco/ McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print.

Gothic Architecture History

Gothic architecture was a syle of acrchitecture using pointed arches and ribbed vaults. Back in the 1100's it was starting to be used to create better castles because the bigger pillars could take more weight. This made the castles more structurally sound as an effect from the bigger defensive walls. It was most famous in 1130 A.D through 1550 A.D when it just started to be noticed. Alot of people when this style started were opposed to it. The older generations wanted to stick to the style of Greece architecture and Roman architecture because they didn't want to stray fom their comfort zone. The first gothic styled buliding ever built was the Abbey Church of Saint-Denis in 1130 A.D.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gothic Significance

Gothic styles became important when the art of architecture started changing. The Gothic style has many significances to the Catholic religion such as the number three, nine entrances, stained glass, and vaulted ceilings. The number three is a symbol of the trinity of truth, beauty, and goodness. The nine entrances also symbolize the Holy Trinity, and the stained glass and vaulted ceilings were common in all Catholic churches. Gothic styles were supposed to represent the depressing and dramatic times but now it represents a dynamic development of Europe. The gothic styles created a pathway for many other architects and designs. This style introduced more castle layouts, a different style of art, and many other things into the medieval times. There are gothic architecture pieces around today that you can see all over the world, including places like Italy and London.